How To Start Blogging in Australia ($1000/Monthly) Full Guide 2023

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How to start blogging in Australia 2023: Want to know how to start a blog in Australia and make money from home? Well, you are in the right place! Starting a blog is fun and creative. A well-planned blog can turn it into a successful online business.

This blogging tutorial for beginners will walk you step-by-step through how to plan for a successful blog, start your blog the right way, and monetize it as you see fit.

A blog is worth it! As long as people search for your content on Google, there will be demand for your content, and if there is demand, there will be ways to monetize that content.

So don’t think blogging is dead. Blogging is still very active and a legitimate way to make money online.

How To Start Blogging in Australia ($1000/Monthly) Full Guide 2023
How To Start Blogging in Australia

Blogging is always a smart move, whether you’re using it to market your company or launch your career as a writer. The fact that there are millions of blogs, however, does not mean that anyone can create a blog.

Are you capable of succeeding? These blogging startup advice for Australians are provided to help you become ready. Let’s start now! and I Tell You How To Start Blogging in Australia.

How To Start Blogging in Australia (10 tips)

A blog is a common choice for many organisations because it may stand alone or be a component of a larger website. It can also be managed by a single author or a large team of writers who each contribute a single post. In either case, the following advice will assist you in starting your blog:

1. Select a reliable blogging platform

A blog may be put up directly from your browser on almost all website construction platforms, including WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. There are also platforms designed specifically for blogs,

2. Advantages of Using WordPress

There are many reasons why this open-source programme is regarded as the best blog platform. You can either use its self-facilitated stage or add it to another facilitating server.

It could take you some time to figure it out and get used to it, but once you do, WordPress will let you independently manage and arrange your website. Moreover, it is mobile-friendly.

You may set numerous users, which is useful if you’ll be writing with a team of authors, among other things. Additionally, it has more than 54,000 plugins, ranging from galleries to eCommerce, making it much more than just a blog tool. Some essential plugins include:

Rank Math SEO Plugin to help your ranking. Akismet will protect you from spam. AddToAny will make your post shareable on other platforms. Hellobar for new signup via email. JetPack will give you the necessary statistics. The editorial calendar will help you plan your posts.

3. Configure WordPress with SiteGround

WordPress arrangement can be confusing at first, however, when you comprehend it, it is so easy.
Take these actions:

  • Click “Install New Application” in the Site Tools/Dev/App Installer.
  • Select the desired application from the drop-down menu;
  • Click “Install” after entering the application setup and admin information.
  • Another option is to follow this route: Tools / WordPress / Install and Manage Sites.

4. Install WordPress Theme

If you are a fledgling, here is a step-by-step manual for introducing a WordPress topic.

  • Log in to your WordPress backend.
  • Select Appearance/Theme from the menu.
  • Click Add New.
  • You can likewise type the name of the subject you need to introduce into the search bar.
  • Hover over a topic to see how it looks.
  • Whenever you have settled on your future topic, click Install.

5. Begin making posts and pages

Before you start blogging, have at least 10 posts to keep your content publishing plans intact. You can write in WordPress’ underlying text passage, or copy it from Word or Google Docs. The latter is preferable as it ensures that the content is saved in its final form.

6. Register a Domain Name and Get Blog Hosting

Sites like Bluehost, SiteGround, and GoDaddy have web builders and blogging tools. A free WordPress CMS can be installed on almost any hosting server, but we always recommend using native hosting.

7. Edit your blog headline and format your body

You can do this without hiring a designer. The easiest way to edit headers is to install a plugin called Insert Headers & Footers. Also, try not to write plain text and publish it as such. WordPress offers many formatting options such as changing fonts, adding images, creating lists, highlighting parts of the text, splitting by headings, and more.

Good advice for keeping your blog consistent is to pick a few headlines you like and apply them to all your posts.

8. Add Google Analytics

This is important for two reasons. It gives you insight into your website visitors, where they come from, what they read, and more, which helps you optimize your articles in the future. The second reason is that advertisers may ask for screenshots of analytics before working on a sponsored post.

9. Set up your social accounts and email marketing plan

Make sure your name and visual identity are consistent across different social platforms, especially colour palettes, logos, and typography. Then post there to promote your blog content and make sure it has an insert link to your website.

A pro tip is to follow authors in the same niche and like and comment on their posts to get their attention, but don’t make it too obvious.

10. Bonus advice on setting up your blog

Now that you’ve covered the basics, use his 3 advanced tips for Australian bloggers to become a pro. improve your content, If you want to grab attention in record time, you need to be one of her few bloggers who: Do research, write long posts of up to 2,000 words, and do the extra work to make sure your content is authentic and high quality.

A photo to accompany the text. Of course, consistency and regular publishing are a must, but feel free to update older posts if you’re having trouble finding original content. Increased engagement
You write not to impress yourself,

but to share relevant and useful information with potential readers. site. A proven way to keep your readers engaged is to send them a well-crafted, personalized email with a compelling subject line and a clear CTA for her.

Read More Blog Post: How To Make Money with Clickbank (5000$)

11. Set up your email marketing software

Find your preferred email software that fits your budget before you start getting regular email alerts. This simple tool saves time and simplifies the process of sending automated emails, newsletters, event invitations, and more. If you don’t know where to start, opt for a beginner-friendly, all-in-one email marketing software.

How To Start Blogging in 2023 Masterclass (Watch Video)


Setting up a blog requires a lot of planning, research, and experimentation. So embrace this time of experimentation and allow yourself to be creative and express yourself authentically. If you get stuck, you can always come back to this detailed guide on how to start a blog in Australia.

How To Start Blogging in Australia related FAQs

Q 1. How much does a blogger earn in Australia?

They typically earn around AU $53,000 on average. However, some of the more successful people earn up to A$200,000 a year.

Q 2. How do I start a blog and make money in Australia?

We have put together a list of step-by-step instructions on how to start a blog in Australia and this article is a good place to start.

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